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The Indian Rhino

Indian Rhino : The Indian Rhino is one of the two greatest success stories in rhino conservation (the other one being the Southern White Rhino in South Africa). With strict protection from Indian and Nepalese wildlife authorities, Indian Rhino numbers have recovered from under 200 earlier in the 20th Century to around 2,400. However, poaching has remained high and the success is precarious without continued and increased support for conservation efforts in India and Nepal.
Common Names

  • Asian Greater One-Horned Rhinoceros: referring to the single large horn
  • Indian and/or Nepalese rhinoceros: referring to the species' endemic range
Scientific Name and Origin
  • Rhinoceros unicornis
  • Rhinoceros: from the Greek rhino, meaning "nose" and ceros, meaning "horn"
  • unicornis: from the Latin uni, meaning "one" and cornis, meaning "horn"
Current Indian Rhino Numbers and Distribution
  • There are currently approximately 2,400 Indian Rhinos surviving.

Physical Characteristics
  • Weight:4,000-6,000 lb (1,800 - 2,700 kg)
  • Height: 5.75 - 6.5 ft (1.75 - 2.0 m) tall at shoulder
  • Length: 10- 12.5 ft (3.0-3.8m) length of head and body
  • There is a single horn 8 to 24 in (20 to 61 cm) long
Other Features
  • Brownish-gray, hairless, with folds of skin that resemble plates of armor with rivets.
  • Upper lip semi-prehensile